
Among Us

Thank you for this wonderful review Screenrant!
It was a pleasure to shoot this movie. 🙂

“Jay & Arya have done a phenomenal job recreating Among Us as a psychological thriller, and fans of the game need to watch it as soon as possible. It gives a glimpse at how easily Among Us could be adapted into a feature-length film or mini-series. After watching what a handful of creators can produce, the Among Us live-action short film begs an all-new question – when is the first feature-length Among Us movie coming?”

Screenrant Review

Von |2020-12-07T21:32:26+01:00Dezember 7th, 2020|News|0 Kommentare

Die Weite der Nacht

Einer meiner Lieblingsfilme die ich 2020 sprechen durfte. “Die Weite der Nacht”. Eine wundervolle Hommage an die 50er, gespickt mit toll inszenierten SciFi Elementen.
Ich hatte viel Freude daran, Sierra McCormick in der weiblichen Hauptrolle Fay Crocker meine Stimme zu leihen. Ein absolutes must watch! Ihr findet den Film auf Amazon Prime.

Von |2020-11-27T12:56:33+01:00November 27th, 2020|News|0 Kommentare